November 7th, 2017
Proverbs 7: Beware The World's Seductions
"My son, keep my words,
And treasure my commandments within you.
Keep my commandments and live,
And my teaching as the apple of your eye."
Proverbs 7:1-2
Proverbs 7: Beware The World's Seductions
"My son, keep my words,
And treasure my commandments within you.
Keep my commandments and live,
And my teaching as the apple of your eye."
Proverbs 7:1-2
Have you ever gotten an stuck eyelash in your eye?
Mercy sakes alive- Worst.feeling.ever.
I use a liquid eye makeup remover on the one or two days (bless it) a week I wear make up, and it seems like every time I swipe that wet cotton ball across my eyelids about 17 eyelashes jump ship and attempt to stab me in my cornea.
When you've got something in your eye, LITERALLY NOTHING ELSE MATTERS UNTIL YOU GET IT OUT. The kids could come in and ask me to dye the dog purple and I would agree. The sink could be running over to create our own personal Niagra Falls and I wouldn't care. Is the shower curtain on fire? Good- maybe the smoke'll cause my eyes to water enough to finally get this chunk of barbed wire out of my vision maker.
And that's what these verses are referring to when they talk about keeping His commandments as "the apple (pupil) of of your eye". Our eyes are probably the most sensitive part of our body. They can sense the smallest dirt and irritants. My eyes even water when I open the hot oven door for goodness sakes!
And that's how we should be with sin. If we're praying and studying and reading His word daily- our hearts will become sensitive to the world's pollutants. We'll be able to recognize ideas and doctrine and behaviors and attitudes that don't align with His teachings. We won't walk around with grit and grime irritating our souls because we'll be recognizing them, targeting them and eliminating them. Remember the relief you feel when you finally do get that offending eyelash out?? IMAGINE YOUR HEART FEELING THAT WAY, TOO.
It rocks.
How can we train our hearts? Simple.
The biggest challenge will be to do what verse 1 instructs us to do: to treasure His commandments. By treasuring them- we're reading our Bibles DAILY. We're spending time praying DAILY. We're using our time to build up our walks and strengthen our souls to follow Him. And the stronger we become through our DAILY (Bless it. Am I over emphasizing the importance of daily prayer and Bible study? I hope not- BECAUSE IT IS SUPER IMPORTANT.) communion, the better we'll be at keeping His teachings protected like "the apple of your eye".
Have a Christ-filled day, y'all! And thanks for stopping by~ Katie.
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