Monday, September 28, 2015

Busy Boys Are The Best Boys.

I've heard it said that Mothers of boys work from "son" up to "son" down. 
Y'all, I'm here to tell y'all- THAT IS THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH. 

I love this boy. This moving, shaking, wiggling-from-the-moment-his-eyes-open kid. Giving him an outlet for his energy hasn't always been easy, but I think ::crosses fingers:: I'm beginning to get the hang of it. 

His endless energy doesn't bother me like it used to. I've had to learn to remind myself that, at the end of the day- HE IS A BOY. HE IS FIVE YEARS OLD. He's not made to always be still. So, if standing up helps him get through the last page of our math lesson then by all means, let's stand up while we work through some problems together. 

Things have quieted down around these parts lately. I would say I'm sorry about it, but- as y'all can see- my hands have been full with more important work. Teaching and mothering my three kiddos has become way, way, WAY more than a full time job. 

Things like haircuts and dental appointments have been pushed to the back burner, and my writing/blogging hobby has been shuffled even farther down the list than that. (I'm pretty sure it's been sandwiched somewhere between luxuries like manicures and wearing  unstained pants with zippers and showering without an audience.) 

But don't despair! 
I've got some flash posts in the works so it's not going to be this quiet for long. 

Thanks for sticking with me, friends! 

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