Friday, March 28, 2014

RIP, MacBook Charger

If you heard the sound of Taps being played about half an hour ago, it was coming from my house. I opened up my laptop just now to finish editing next week's post and realized that my charger had fueled it's last battery sometime in the night last night. 

Until Amazon delivers my new charger, I'll be patiently waiting to finish my edits and get my newest post published. It'll be at least a few days until it's delivered. For now, I'm posting via my iPhone which is about as effective as brushing your teeth while eating Oreos. 

So please- dust off your black arm bands and wear them today in memory of the years of service our brave little charger gave our family. We'll miss you, MacBook Charger. But we'll miss our Email and Blogger and Pinterest and Netflix even more. Fly away to your Apple Store in the sky, sweet friend. You've earned your reward. And may all the docks charge forever in your favor. 

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