Tuesday, July 12, 2016

I Gave My Kid Cavities. (Alternately Titled: SO THIS IS MOM GUILT.)

So six months ago, after three or four cavity free dental check ups, when I took my kids to the dentist for our routine cleanings- my oldest's teeth were one.hot.mess. He's five, and was just old enough then to have his first round of X-rays. When they scanned those bad boys, there were SIX CAVITIES smushed all up in between his molars. 

I felt about half an inch tall, y'all. (Probably less, if I'm being honest.) I may have cried right then and there in front of our dentist and our hygienist and the receptionist and the guy delivering the Kentwood water jugs. It wasn't a pretty day. My throat got all hot and my eyes got all stingy and watery and before I knew it those hot, wet, embarrassed and scared and angry tears were being blinked all down my cheeks and my nose was as red as Rudolph's. (Also to be noted- I am an ugly crier. Always have been.)

I sort of sniffled and guiltily looked at the ground talked with our doctor about what could've caused these ground breaking (and bank account breaking, FOR REAL THOUGH) rot spots. Do they drink Cokes? No. Did they eat candy? Only tootsie rolls at church on Sundays and Wednesdays. Do they chew gum? No. Gummy worms? No. Sugar by the dump truck full? Ummm, No. We are a healthy family! 

I didn't get it. My kids ate balanced meals. I brushed their teeth every day! I even gave them vitamins at bedtime to make sure they were getting all the goodness and vitality and nutrients that their growing bodies needed. I thought I was doing everything all the good moms did! Every single night, after baths and teeth brushing and Bible reading and prayer praying and snuggle snuggling, I'd slip them each their gummi dose of daily vitamin C and D and Iron and Calcium just to make extra sure their bodies stay healthy. 

But HOLD THA PHONE. Did I just say gummi vitamins?? I think I did.

Lemme check that vitamin label. Hmmm. Ingredients: glucose, glucose syrup, high fructose corn syrup... SAY WHAAAAT?? Are the first three ingredients in my kid's vitamins really- ::Gasp!:: -sugar??!! 

YES THEY ARE. And, as it turns out, giving your kids what basically amounts to vitamin powered sugar glue every.single.night mere seconds before their precious heads hit their pillows is kinda an awful idea. And it's also really, really, REALLY bad for their teeth. 

Aaaaha! So this is what suffocating and insurmountable MomGuilt feels like. And it ain't fun y'all.

Luke was a trooper. We went back to the dentist four (or maybe five) times to get his cavities filled and he was an absolute CHAMP. They used some "magic medicine" ::shiver:: and numbed his precious mouth and he never really complained. The staff remarked over and over about how compliant and brave and funny (of course!) he was through it all. I could bust my buttons off being so proud of him. He's such a fantastic kid. 

But the last filling was a doozy and they did eventually have to get the laughing gas out to help him through it. **The recovery was awesomely hysterical and if I didn't value at least a tiny part of his privacy, I would post it publicly  but since I do try to have some boundaries, y'all will just have to trust me when I tell you it was the funniest thing I've ever seen. The saga behind that tooth was far from over, however that's another story for another day. But for now, know that Luke is amazing and I never give the kids their vitamins in their beds anymore. 

And oh! I wouldn't be a good friend if I didn't lay it all out like I did and pass on some helpful tips that my dentist gave to me that fateful day as I stood in her hallway and cried in front of a handful of strangers. I followed her directions EXACTLY and when we went back for our cleaning this week, all three kids were cavity free. HALLELUJAH AND AMEN. I'm pretty sure angels sang in Heaven along with me. 

Here's what I learned: 

*Brush twice a day. (This is obvious. Morning and night, before breakfast or after, it doesn't matter. Just get those bad boys brushed 2x a day.) 

*FLOSS. (Ok, so before the great CavityGate, I didn't floss the kid's teeth. Horrible, I know, but I'm being honest. I didn't. But afterwards I grabbed a pack of those flosser pick things and y'all- THEY ARE GENIUS. Also to be noted: I timed it, and flossing all three of my kid's teeth took just over 1 minute total. It took loads of self discipline to really make this a habit, but y'all it's really a game changer. Floss.those.teeth.) 

*Fluoride. (So my dentist gave me a tube of grape flavored 3M ESPE 0.4% Stannous Fluoride to brush on their teeth once a day. And THEY HATED THE TASTE. So when I went back for Luke's fillings I got a tube of the bubble gum flavored and they like it so much better. It's an average sized tube, but you literally only barely have to get the bristles wet with the stuff so it'll last you for like, EVER. I even found it on Amazon, so you can grab a tube online, too. It doesn't heal cavities (BUMMER.) but it does protect the healthy enamel from weakening. I brush it on every night because you can't eat or drink for like 30 minutes after application. Bonus: It's eliminated the bedtime drink begging situation. Win/win!!) 

I don't know if your kids have had cavities. I don't know if you've ever given your kids cavities like I did. But if you have- I AM RIGHT THERE WITH YOU SISTER. I SALUTE YOU WITH MY TINY FLOSSING PICK. And if you haven't- BLESS YOUR INNOCENT SOUL AND FLOSS THEIR TEETH ANYWAY. Because having to hear your child cry out for you from a dentist's chair is one of the hardest things you'll ever have to hear. Trust me, it's like ripping a part of your soul from your body, dousing it in gasoline and setting it on fire while you stand in tied to the stake in a pile of fire ants.

So don't be like me, y'all. Floss those teeth and say those prayers, because Jesus and plaque germs are everywhere. 


And thanks for stopping by!  ~Katie. 


  1. Yep. Mine had 6 as well but were they simple cavities? Nope. These suckers needed pretty silver crowns. Imagine I had to put my baby under anesthesia for this. I swear I cried the whole way home.

    1. Oh my mercy! Bless your heart. Momming can be so, so tough sometimes.


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